Thursday, March 11, 2010

crosspathy practice.

Doctors practicing crosspathy practice.
Weather cross pathy practice is legal or not?
           Though the supreme court have no objection on prescribing allopathic drugs by ayurvedic doctors…as far as cross pathy practice is concerned…the Decision is yet not final…

Rough statistics in Maharashtra on cross pathy practice…
           1.about 80 to 90 % of ayurdedic doctors practices allopathic medicines.
           2.About 70 to 80 % of homeopathic doctors practices allopathic medicines.
           ( Here percentage is of practicing type of medicine…and not of prescribing it…as allopathic doctors uses ayurvedic drugs in 5 to 10 % of cases…but their practice is strictly allopathic…)

Views on Medical Profession...

For Doctors are at Risk in India...

Physical threat to doctors and attack on property of doctors so as to express their anger.

It is the issue started …taking pace…with out showing end.

Tendency to assault doctor physically is increasing.

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Doctors are under pressure…stress.

Doctors are in tremendous pressure of stress.
Doctors are in stress not because of patients’ line of treatment but regarding tendency of patient & their relatives regarding not paying the amount of bill. 
Unknowingly Doctors all the time are in fear of act – Consumer Protection act is in subconscious mind of the Doctor all the time.
Increased incidences on attack on doctors and his property loosing doctors confidence level.
To keep records in five six formats for Radiologist or sonologist is simply unexplainable.
Issue of bio-medical waste …charges…and inefficiency of Institution handling bio-medical waste is another important cause for stress to Hospital owners. 

croos pathy

To practice croos pathy is no more malpractice in India.

As far as …it is practiced in or within limits…there no harm in crosspathy practice.

But need is that…each doctor should consider…the availabily of presence of concerned pathy’s doctor…who can be better or superior to him…at least in critical or undiagnosed cases.

Changing Norms of Obstetric Practice in Rural Area….

Changing Norms of Obstetric Practice in Rural Area….

1.      No Forceps: delivery by using outlet or mid cavity forceps are not as if outdated…..d so doctors also….

2.      Ventous: ? ? ?

3.      No Planned Cesarean

For Details - Obstetric Practice in Rural area in India

MLM of medicinal drugs

MLM of medicinal drugs…???
Is Multilevel Marketing by doctors is unethical?
As far as ethics are concerned for recent medical profession…it is now time to change the concept of ethics.
In this modern word of ambition, modern world of competition, modern world of high living standard, if a particular doctor has a ability to do any sort of side business…why one should object?
Till today nobody has taken objection and nobody is against it.
As multilevel marketing is one of the popularized ways of doing marketing of products…under the head business with small investment and no risk…if any particular doctor is doing it as a side business nobody should take concern on it.
So with out using complicated term ethics…one should not react or comments on the doctors involved or doing multilevel or chain marketing.

Quacks in medical professions

Action on Quacks in medical professions…an unanswered question.
Though very easy to separate unqualified persons form qualified medical persons…under which department it comes?
It is rather easy to take legal action on them to stop their practice of  various forms of medicines…
Who will take the action?
Answer is unanswered.
Will be the action effective?
Answer is unanswered.
Will be the action on permanent basis???
No Comments…
(He shifts to another area to practice.)


In this world of advertisements ...doctors are not behind...
They now very often tries different ways to advertise...
Banner on auto or vehicles...
appointing persons for picking patients from places or their native area and referring them to a particular doctor with expectation of some now developing trend ...though it is in developing stage...
These norms may result in to a bad reputation of doctors...
Non ethical ways of advertising by doctors.
Is it the ethical view to advertise our profession?
1.Big banners
2.Continuous add on cable TV
3.Banner behind auto.
4.Big Banner at various functions

Big Banners showing Backbone & mentioning about the treatment of all the medical conditions…
It will not be surprise a day or another a gynecologist put big banner mentioning – “ येथे गर्भ पिशवी धुवून मिळेल.”   meaning ‘We do Abortion’ such banners are already there in big cities…on railway stations.

In this new world of advertisements and world of competitions…it is like no option to advertise them selves…by various ways…
The ways are changing…and need is to change the ethics…instead of blaming doctors.
No rule and regulation on advertisements by quacks…or paramedical persons…then doctors are only targeted on the name of ethics.


Malpractice is the due concern
It is very difficult to define malpractice done by self…and it is very easy to identify if done by another doctor.
Like faith and superstition…there is very faint line between ethical practice and malpractice.
If any particular doctors says is innocent and never does malpractice…he is not a honest person. 


What is it ?

It is hidden truth of changing norms of medical Practice.

Some of Consultants / Big Setups giving cut to Referring doctors.

Few Medical Practitioner  are now expecting cut from Big Setups or consultants.

Many Medical Practitioners taking cut from Lab / “X” Ray Clinics / and other paramedical branches and wise versa…

CUT – Is it unethical ?

It may not be ethical…but now time to change the norms of ethics…

There nothing wrong in CUT practice

As all society is facing problem of corruption…malpractice…and unethical practice…medical profession is not an option to it.

In the world of competition the CUT practice has become the normal ways practiced by both…referring doctor and receiving Big hospitals or centers.

It is the truth…patient may have bare some of the charges of it…but there is no option.

No doctor is non infected by this…if some body says so…he/she is not honest one.

The question is not…who started it…but the real big question is…who will stop it…or at least initiate to stop this.

Medical Stores.

Review on Medical stores

Dark side

Medical Stores – (?)  No! They are  Practicing Medicine Store 

1. Medical stores are giving medicines with out doctors prescription.

2.Medical stores are giving substitutes for medicines.

3.Medical stores’ person’s makes comment on doctor’s prescription or on line of treatment. Not all Medical store and not to all doctors.

Bright side

Medical Stores –  No! They are Doctor’s emergency Medicine store.

1.Doctors now a days need not to keep stock more than their requirement as medical store people are very much co-operative to supply it even at midnight.

2. Medical stores now are like a friend in need is a friend indeed.

It is our responsibility to keep it true in both the ways.

supporting tool

Improved technology adding expenses to diagnose.

Improved technology has added list of investigations by  not less than ten times.

Doctors are some times bound to do such tests…sometimes for in good faith of patient and some times for relatives satisfaction and some times to get protected as far as consumer protection act or legal aspect is concerned.


Are they efficient ?

DMLT Lab – Are they efficient ?

In rural area DMLT lab is the only option for lab tests.

24 hours Lab facilities are available now – helping doctors for diagnosis so as to start treatment as early as possible

Lab with DMLT person – may have inexperienced staff – can we rely  on their reporting ?

In some of the specific and rare investigation there role as collecting center is appreciable and useful.

The thing which is important…they should not disclose the diagnosis and should not misguide them.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Doctors & Pharma co.Relationship

Doctor & Pharmaceutical Relationship

By Dr.Subhash


Bright Side -

Medical Representatives are like teachers to doctors in a small town or rural area as they only acts as a source of latest development in Pharmacy.


Medical Representative active to arrange periodic Continued Medical Educational Programs.


Medical Representatives also take part to organize various Health camps.


Dark Side –

Medical Representatives pressurize Doctors to prescribe a Particular brand of medicine.


Medical Representatives with help of their seniors are coming with various offers & schemes so as to increase sell of particular brand of medicine.


Medical practitioners demands gifts in various ways or forms from pharmaceutical  companies.


Medical Practitioners are prescribing drugs of brand of such companies, irrespective of cost of drugs.


Medical practitioners are eager to prescribe new costly antibiotics suggested by Medical Representative. This is with expectation of some valuable gift from him or after promise of some offer by him.

Recently Medical Counsel  of India is keeping close eye on unethical business based relationships between Some Doctors & some of the Pharmaceutical  co. It has implemented Law in terms of Fine for different financial dealings between Doctors & Pharmaceutical co.


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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Consultants are on the Wrong Path...

Consultants practicing cross specialty.

Some Consultants are on wrong track –

Consultants are started doing general practice particularly in rural area …no option to obstetricians…and to consultants…who practiced as casualty medical officers in government hospital in that area only in past.

They are like Consulting General Practitioners. Charges they are taking are very less especially by old rural consultant. Even less than the charges of the General Practitioners. Are they degrading themselves ?

Can they find some suitable way to prove themselves.

Feedback to referring doctor is neglected.

Sometimes they make comment on the line of treatment of referring Doctor so as to interpret as wrong line of treatment or delayed reference. What they achieve by doing this. God knows it but they don’t ?

Some Consultants are not sticking to their specialties, practicing other specialty  practice also.

Loosing Dignity...

 Doctors are No More Noble to their Profession...

Doctors have lost respect.

This is the fact which no one can ignore. As demoralization of society as such…doctors being part of it…are loosing their dignity and status.

Patient and Relatives are looking towards doctors as if no option for them.

Like people in general says...Do not climb the step of court…now they are adding save us from doctors rather than disease.

The moment they visit the clinic…starts about expenses…unnecessary investigations….and unnecessary references.
